optimized for quality
You can message me or call me at {902} 394.1473. I'm on Facebook www.facebook.com/create.with.light and Instagram www.instagram.com/digitalstill
A photographer and photography instructor for many years I've kept current while maintaining my own style. With a project briefing, I can work comfortably on my own or I am happy to work with more direct input.
Over the years I've worked with major magazines and book publishers to create their visual story. Others clients have included many independent businesses, corporations, government, advertising agencies and design firms (large and small) in Halifax and Toronto.
Currently living in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island I am available for local assignments and some limited travel. My fees and expenses are based on the assignment and the licencing requirements; photographers own the 1st copyright in Canada when entering a "for business/commercial" contract, unless negotiated otherwise. Please feel free to run your budget by me and I will do my best to help you at your price point or offer alternative solutions/cost saving strategies where I can.
Thanks for your interest!